Revegy Won Opportunities Amount (Total)​

This total value will likely be different from the Total Won Opportunities in the CRM. Here's why: Not all opportunities are being managed in Revegy. The 'Won Opportunities Amount' total is geared towards showing the total value of high value opportunities that were won while being managed within Revegy.




The Won Opportunities Amount (Total) helps answer the following questions:


Blind Spots Addressed


Recommended Actions (Actionable Intelligence)

  1. Drill down to 'Won Opportunities by Quarter' to view trending across most recent quarters.

  2. Based on your findings, determine if a program refresher or coaching is needed.





Recommended Actions (Actionable Intelligence)

Click on the KPI to open the Opportunity Summary Dashboard - Revegy Won Opportunities table. The Opportunity Summary Dashboard will reflect the filters applied on the Executive Dashboard.







The Won Opportunities Amount (Total) chart helps answer the following questions:


Recommended Actions (Actionable Intelligence)

Click on any bar to open the Opportunity Summary Dashboard - Revegy Won Opportunities table for that selected quarter.